Posts from the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


Ok for real. I just wanted to thank everyone who has urged me on to this point. Yeah I have been holed up in the apartment for the better part of a week now. Also have gotten to another level with drawing skill, and done a painting that seems pretty awesome to me.

Yeah been pissed of some of the time which is kind of normal, and that fuels the creative process along like a weird choochoo. I’ve gotten some people bent at me for being to strange, violent, and sexual. Yeah… Better that it comes out like this than harming someone in real life, or harming myself. Not sure that people get that, or that I really truly honestly hate lies. They make me crazy, well more crazy that I am already. It’s kind of a pain in the ass to be honest, loyal, and try to be good. Seems like it is worth it in the end though.

I have been afraid while drawing, most of all recently. Sometimes finding myself having a mouse of fear deep in the pit of my stomach because of the ideas that are being passed from mind to hand. It’s not the concentration of drawing that makes me scared, it is the disturbances of old and new hurts that are being pushed to the surface.

Things don’t always turn out the way I want them to. Sometimes things will take a huge swerve, and that isn’t always such a bad thing. I was sitting alone like almost always this morning having a cup of coffee and thinking how many other people out there are drawing, singing, painting, sculpting, just making art, or crafting. It’s fucking amazing and wonderful. Humbling, and crazy thrilling to think of. It’s the same kind of rush as the feeling of first love, or being totally free, as being scared and still swimming alone for the first time.

I’m still alone, still a rejected freak, but damn well throwing my banner up as a freak who might be thought of as violent, strange, morbid, angry, lazy, or just full of bullshit. I still want a woman to love, to share it all with, to feel that warm crazy glow with. Maybe she feels the same way. I really damn well hope that there is still alot of good out there. That i’m part of the good.

This has turned into a tv miniseries right here instead of thank you note to everyone who has been sending likes, making comments, giving suggestions, and sometimes not saying a damn thing. This power of creation is part of the real magic of life, even the disturbing twisted stuff. Fuck me sounding like I know a thing or two huh?

Have a good one you all.

Hell will pay

The star blazes against my skin burning me from the inside
Just like the want to be close to you
You hold the cross up high before you
And it does not move my soul
The angels have folded up their wings and hung them up to dry
And Satan holds me close to his breasts
To heal the wounds that the world has wrought
With sticks, stones, and the hate aimed with the greatest of care
He whispers to me to sleep and rest child
For tomorrow is another day
Another battle for us

Christ bows his head and gives himself over to die
And hangs in there on the cross
Asking himself for he is his own Father
Why he has been left here to die for a original sin
The blood of sacrifice and death
For to sin is pay the toll
And the wags of sin are death

I’d die though for you
Just to taste your kisses
And drown in the flesh with you
To fly away together on the wings of devils
With your legs pushed up over your shoulders
Opened wide for my tongue to taste
Giving you a heavenly torment

Hell will pay
The whore tells the Devil
And I hang the cross upside down
His lonely quiet shy child


It’s not your god that has done for me. it has been people, real humans. Not a invisible spirit in the sky. I dwell alone looking at the fractals in the trees, the shapes in the clouds, the halos of light around the moon and street lamps. To me god is love, and there is little enough of that in this world. I give a fuck, when I do not that is when bad things can happen. I want your lies to destroy you, to have them turn on you and leave you in ruins, naked, stripped of even dignity. Mercy is not for you.

That ain’t how it works though is it. The liars profit, the players win, the cheaters gain, greed goes on unabated, and those who have nothing struggle. It’s not fucking fair, it never was supposed to be.

I sit and think about the words of people. How they say that they would miss me if I killed myself. What am I supposed to do huh if you try that, or if you hurt yourself? My father beat the hell out of me with his walker while I was trying to remove my own heart. There was no god there, there was a man wanting to stop his only son from dying by his own hand. A man, not a god.

They told me to grow up, and I did. Grew up to see the illness of the world and my own. How that i’d be different, poor, often times alone by choice, and when not by choice then because the world has no time for freaks. The days and nights are spent reading, drawing, painting, making, cooking, walking alone. How much more easy it would be to give up. Hanging in there isn’t enough. Have to do something well, make the load easier for someone, feed someone, give to someone who doesn’t know that there is someone else out there alone.

I spit on your idea of god, the concepts of sin that you have, and that you leave me abandoned to twist in the wind, while lying to yourself to make it easier for you to explain it away. You talk about love and grace, where is it for those who take another path or do not accept the concepts that you preach as right.

“You will live a long and lonely life.”, I hear a man dressed as Santa Claus say on the television as if he is speaking directly to me. I am wondering if he is not right.


It is below the line again and with the winds it is very cold. Went outside and slipped on the ice. Took salt from the basket in front of the office and started to salt the walks where there is a large build up of ice. Don’t have a snow shovel to scrape it up with. Could only think of how it hurt when I fell, and that could hurt someone else even more. Don’t know if I did right. Just doing what my heart tells me to do. I remember salting the walks in Tacoma so that Deborah would not slip and fall when it snowed and the ice covered the walks there. No fancy ideas just being good.

I live with my mom and i’m pretty damn sure that everyone who lives here except for me is over 55 years old. It’s been pretty lonely here with no one to really talk to. Even my sister stopped visiting very much, and that was before we had the big dust up between the two of us last week. Everyone tells me what I am doing is both good and honorable. That this is not wrong. I spend alot of time at the computer, reading, and have been very sick for the better part of the last month. I went to the ER and they blew off what I was telling them saying that it was the flu. That everyone in Norman, Oklahoma had the same thing and there was nothing that they could do about it. It isn’t the cold or flu though.

I’ve taken to using the discarded insulin pens that my mom has used up the tips for. It seems to work well and I dose myself once a day like she does. There is a different short acting insulin in the fridge, but that is for her and i’m not going to take it. The pens i’ve only taken one of even though she had four of them. Been happy and sad at turns like normal. Have lost weight, put on some muscle, and try to not be such a frownard about things. I miss Sophia and Runty alot. Not much else to say really right now. Just a personal entry.

Eater of Worlds

8 ball nation

8 ball nation



painted 12-10-12


Went out this morning to, well to be honest take out the garbage from the laundry down the street, and sweep. Found a street sign bend at the base, stood it back up unbent it as best I could, and turned it to face the right way. Point is that I feel like a douche for doing what I see as good. Guess that it should just be gotten over. Hope that I did the right thing.


I feel like my old friends are leaving me. Really it is time for me to spend time doing the things that need to be done. To work on my own body, mind and life. Making new friends is tough for me, being alone is rough to. It is even more so when you think that everyone around you is going to be the enemy, hate what you stand for, the ideals that you have, and consider you someone to be gotten rid of so that their lives can just go on.

I have not found that here. The people here are different, and I am very different from them. Good is in my heart though even though I might have a deep interest in what some would consider evil. It is not though, it is mindset of open ended kindness, country strength, standing out of without harming others.

I have heard the words, fag, homophobe, loser, and so much more muttered and said aloud. It drove me back hard, in mania and sickness it hurt. Made me want to hide from everyone, trust no one, only myself. I still and will have deep seated and strong distrust. That is who I am in part. There has been disapproval for reasons that are senseless, from all sides. This is no game though, and in the well listened to words of a old friend – You make your own universe with your own outlook on it. To live in fear is to be a slave to that fear. Why should I fear when doing no wrong, when doing only right and good?

The Impossible Model

It had been another to long night alone. Only the music from a old 1.2 ghz machine playing softly from speakers that had been bought from a yard sale. Old metal purred out from them still lighting me up inside like a christmas tree on speed. My fingers were twitching, unable to hold still for a moment. Mania is a hard master, you feel whipped from the inside sometimes. Sullen, dark, and yet to damn full of energy to hold a thought for more than a moment. It’s my fucking cross to bear though. Might not seem like much from the outside, from the inside though it can be hell most of all when your emotions seem like they are out of your grasp to control.

I looked around the old room. Same old walls painted white, same little bed, and beautiful old desk. Memories of a lifetime. Love, hate, dispair, most of all dispair. More love would have been nice but what the fuck can you do when you are misfit and outcast. I guess that going out and fighting could be one thing. I pulled back though and kept clear of the world. That place out there past the fence, down the hill where people met and mingled. Who looked at those like me as freaks.

I pulled the old broken down chair out from the desk and sat down, my bare legs sticking under it, my ass sweaty and sticking to the black cutoffs. My desk had once been tidy, always neat and clean. That was before the headache. The one that felt like it had blown the top of my head off. Like vomiting painful light, and I had vomited on the floor. Woke in the remains of my supper.

It wasn’t more than a week later i’d been commited to a mental hospital. Kept there for two weeks. The neighbors said that they had found me walking down the road nude, bruised, talking about cat women and strange men in long coats who had taken me away from Earth to another much more peaceful world. I didn’t remember any of it.

That was almost a year ago now. The once clean as a pin house that i’d lived in was a huge mess. I ate from plastic dishes, where once it had been the fine bowls and plates that my parents had left behind when they had passed away just a few days apart. Massive heart attacks. Once I had taken that as truth. Now I knew it was a lie and doubted very much that the old man had even passed on. Their ashes were high up in my closet in boxes, not urns. They had not wanted them. It would be just a waste of money that in the end would help me survive. We three had agreed. I’d wept at first but after being commited the feeling that they were alive someplace, or even when rolled in the back of my mind like a sore tooth that I could not help but probe with my tongue.

A year, a yar, a jar, a door open. My fingers twitched, and my hand flew out to grab a piece of smooth beautiful creamy white paper. Once when things had been better i’d folded origami often. With love and passion. Models had flowed out from my fingertips, crimps, sinks, reverses. Cranes, dragons, modular shapes, beautiful simple folds to complex ones that had taken weeks to perfect. Even so I had never been much good at creating my own designs. It had depressed me, as well as been frustrating.
I looked down shivering, a pit of hurt, anger and fear forming in the pit of my stomach. My hands acted without me it seemed, smoothing and then starting a fold. It was not a act of a loving creator, craftsman or artist.  There seemed something wrong about the creases even through there were more than humanly perfect. Something vaguely disturbing about the angles, the intersections of the crease patterns. There was a creaking in the walls, this was nothing new in a house of this age, most of all in the dining room. The walls of my slovenly little bedchamber though are brick. Whisps of dread curled up from the bottom of my mind reaching from a hidden place far from the normal channels that any sane person thinks in. I pinched down hard on a bit of laughter at the thought that I was not of sound mind and had not been for at least a year now.

I looked up at the clock at the corner of the computer screen. It had been 8 PM or so when I had pulled out the chair and sat down at the old leather topped desk. It was well past midnight now. In my now still right hand lay a origami model. It seemed modular at first glance, but it wasn’t. There were no seams, no joins, and the pocketed angles seemed wrong. It was beautiful, the paper was still a creamy wonder of white. The model just did not seem possible. It fit together like a masterpiece, and indeed was one. I tried to count the apexes of it’s points but could not come up with the same number twice. Three times counting, three different numbers.

My mouth was dry and I pushed back my old wooden chair, it squealed on the tile floor. The rest of the house was in shadow, and just as tumbledown as my room. A deep sense of longing and depression grasped at me as I poured water from a old beaten plastic pitcher to a fine crystal water glass. My feet knowing the way through the darkness of this little house lead me back to my room. I stood sipping water so cold that it hurt my teeth while lookind down on this odd little model. It seemed random at first glace, but there was a certain odd order to it that made it maddening to view for to long.

As I tipped it this way and that the walls creaked again, groaning almost as if a great weight was pressing down on them from without. I twitched away from the desk with a start, wanting to pry my eyes from the fold to look towards the groaning bricks. I could not. I backed away from the desk towards the whitewashed old oak door to my room. My left hand reaching behind me found the knob and turned it, or attempted to. It would not turn, it would not budge in the slightest.

The music that the old media box had been piping through the speakers had ceased to play hours ago. From the speakers there was the slightest clicking noise. Almost a chirp. From the wrong angles and uncountable points of the fold on the desk shadows began to crawl forth. The paper was still as smooth and unmarred as the cheek of a perfect newborn child, but from those intersections, from the strange creases came shadows and now a deep chill.

My back was pressed now firmly against the door. Sweat poured down my bald head to spatter on the floor where it frozen into soild little masses. My breath came out to meet the air and formed clouds of condensation. From the speakers came a high whining fluting sound and the barking of angry hunting dogs. Dogs, hounds, hunting and hungry. I had no fear of dogs, and infact loved them deeply. These were not the baying cries of mortal, breathing, tail wagging, long tongue canine friends though. These were the hunting cries of something outside, a pack of hunters that had been locked away from the bright world of mortal men and women for ages.

The air grew colder and the groaning of the walls became loud harsh creaking. The walls must give away was the thought that rushed through my mind, they have to. In fact I hoped that they would so the sight of the formless eaters of souls making their way through the nameless model would be ended before I was pulled away through the intersection between dimensions i’d made by folding that single sheet of paper into a impossible object of uncountable points and foul angles.

I knew their names, the names of these things. It was impossible for me to speak aloud, but they seemed to hear the thought of it and the single naked light bulb that shone overhead dimmed, it’s light seemed to be made smoky, dirty, sickening. I screamed aloud finally able to bring a sound through my terror. The baying of hungry dogs became louder, as at last the shades, cold hungry ghosts so long locked out of the light. Pushed and held back by elder mages into a void vast, dark, and endless stepped forth to hunt again the bright world of mortals.